Things to consider before using essential oils for your pets
Do you own a pet? Well, if yes, after reading this article, you will be inclined to increase your essential oil purchase. A few essential oils may always be on your shopping list as you use them for your physical and mental wellness. Those essential oils offer many benefits to your pets too. Essential oils for pets prove beneficial for them as they help them fight itchy skin, stomach upset, anxiety issues and many more.
Whether it’s dealing with digestive issues or boosting the immune system of your pets, essential oils for pets have more benefits to offer than you know. However, if not used safely, instead of doing good, these oils can end up harming your pets. Here is a brief guide that can help you with diffusing these oils in ways that are completely safe for your pets.
Choose the right essential oils
With a number of essential oils for pets now being available in the market, you must be careful in choosing one, keeping in mind the requirement of your pet. Each oil has a different purpose, and a few common problems they can be used for are flea control, fungal, and bacterial infections. Being more sensitive to smell than humans, you also need to be extra careful with essentials oils that have a strong smell. Make sure the essential oils are high-quality therapeutic oil as low-quality oils may include more carrier oils and additives, which may trigger sensitivities in the pets.
Know how and where to apply
Essential oils must be diluted when used on pets, irrespective of whether using topically or just inhaling. Once the pets get used to the scent of the oils, you can opt for topical application. While the paws are a great place of application for dogs and cat, for hoofed pets, flanks and the spinal area are recommended. You can also rub the diluted oils in your hands and apply them on your pet’s fur through gentle strokes. Some essential oils can be mixed with the pet’s food. However, consult with a vet in case you’re planning to do so.
Know how much to use
Along with knowing where to apply, one needs to be aware of the quantity of the essential oils for pets as well. Depending on the size of your pets, the amount of oil used will vary. For example, while 3 to 5 drops are enough for smaller animals like small dogs or cats, for larger pets, one can start with 3 to 5 drops and increase depending upon the requirement. Any pet under 10 weeks, however, must not be treated with essential oils as it may harm them.
Remember, if used safely, essential oils for pets are one of the most effective pet medicines that can not only help in addressing various health issues of the pet but also help in creating a bond of understanding and trust between you and your pets.
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