Benefits of enrolling your canine at a doggie daycare
Pet Boarding

Benefits of enrolling your canine at a doggie daycare

There’s been a surge in the number of people willing to put their adorable canines in a doggie daycare. Reasons for doing this vary from people leading busy work life to those unable to handle dogs on their own. Nevertheless, the most common reason for the rise in a doggie daycare service is because of the several benefits of doggie daycare for both the pet and the pet owner. If you are thinking of enrolling your dog at a doggie daycare, but are confused regarding the same, here is a list of some of the benefits of doggie daycare that will aid in changing your mind. Company of dog lovers – In a doggie daycare, your pet is sure to get a lot of attention and affection. As dog daycares are often run by rabid dog lovers, your doggie will enjoy its time at the place. Complimentary grooming – One of the top benefits of doggie daycare is complementary grooming. Although not all doggie daycares offer complimentary grooming, several do. You need to take your time to seek one that allows you to have your dog at the end of the day all neat and clean, looking adorable and charming.
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Do you have a shy and timid cat, Here are some essential boarding tips
Pet Boarding

Do you have a shy and timid cat, Here are some essential boarding tips

Life seems to be lovely and lively when you have a pet that cares for you and with whom you share your love. You would do all things possible to avoid harming your pet in any way. If you plan to be out of town for a while, and you own a shy and timid cat, you surely will be worried about where to leave your cat. Cats and dogs have different behavioral characteristics and treating them the same way is not a very good idea. It is not easy for the cat to adjust itself to loud and unknown surroundings all of a sudden. Hence, it is important to educate yourself on the many boarding tips for shy pets so that you do not end up on a vacation worrying about your pet! Boarding at the pet sitter’s home – Leaving your shy cat at a pet sitter’s home means your cat will shift from one home to another comfortably. It offers them an amicable and homely environment. Also pet sitters are usually experienced and can help make sure your cat is safe. Cat-only facility – A cat-only facility boards cats alone in the facility to avoid any conflict between different pet species.
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Top three benefits of boarding your pet at a veterinary clinic
Pet Boarding

Top three benefits of boarding your pet at a veterinary clinic

Boarding your pet at a veterinary clinic is a great option, especially when you aren’t able to tag along your adorable pet on your outstation business tours and excursions. Moreover, doing so keeps your pet safe, busy, and under professional monitoring. Irrespective of whether it’s a cat or a dog, you can put your pet under the able supervision of a nearby veterinary clinic. Leaving your pet at a veterinary clinic during your travel is a better option when taking it along seems impractical. Among its various associated perks, following are three important benefits of boarding your pet with a veterinary clinic: Veteran vet care Most veterinary clinics feature professionals with several years of expertise in pet handling and caring. These skilled personnel at a vet clinic are expert in dealing with different types of pets in distinct conditions. After spending so much time with pets, these people understand pet requirements in a flash. They are well aware of the changing temperaments of pets. In addition, they have a good understanding of dealing with different breeds of cats and dogs too, which in turn helps them to treat the pets in the most opportune way. With these veterinary clinics, one can rest assured be at peace that they’re dog is in the right hands.
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Some pros and cons of cage-free dog boarding
Pet Boarding

Some pros and cons of cage-free dog boarding

Cage-free dog boarding is the process of allowing several dogs to spend a night in the same room, using the same space, without using individual dog cages. The trend is becoming increasingly popular, as it allows doggies to interact with each other rather than spending the night in complete isolation. Cage-free dog boarding is a great option for those dog owners who find it kind of unfair to let their pets spend the night away locked in cages. However, not everything is ok with this practice, as it has its own cons that you need to consider before choosing this option for your pooch. Here are some pros and cons of the newly adopted practice of boarding doggies: Pros: Encourages a better mood Putting doggies inside a cage might hurt their sentiments, the intensity varying from temperament to temperament. Nobody likes to be kept in a cage, which is also true for canines. Instead of putting them into cages, letting them spend the night in an open space, in the company of other doggies, will allow them to have a better mood. Opportunity to interact Probably the biggest advantage of choosing cage-free dog boarding for your pooch is the opportunity for them to interact.
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Five red flag alerts you need to be aware of when choosing a kennel
Pet Boarding

Five red flag alerts you need to be aware of when choosing a kennel

A business trip in a flash or a last-minute holiday can leave you baffled, if you own a pet. And that is when you start looking for a nice kennel for your pet. Most of you must be aware of the fact that when it comes to a professionally-run dog kennel, there are very few that have the requisite facilities for your dog. So before dropping your dog to a dog kennel, there are certain red flags you must watch out for; some of these have been listed below: No license or documentation Having a business license doesn’t always mean that the kennels are inspected regularly. However, having proper documentation and being licensed makes sure that the kennel operates and abides by some specific standards that can keep your dog safe. Therefore, it is best to avoid any place that lacks proper license and documentation. Poor client communication Do you get the answering machine every time you call the kennel facility? Well, it can be one of the most serious dog kennel red flags that you need to be cautious about. Poor communication with the kennel implies you won’t be able to get up-to-date information about your pet, if you need to.
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Adverse effects of not socializing a puppy
Pet Boarding

Adverse effects of not socializing a puppy

Do you realize the importance of socializing your pet? Along with other things like nutrition and regular vaccination, socialization assists your puppy in leading a happier life. Moreover, socialization is vital to your doggie’s vitality and overall well-being. It is often said, dogs and humans share a lot of qualities. The need for socialization is one such mutual quality shared by the two species. As such, newer dog training programs emphasize socialization by introducing special training segments. There are plenty of benefits that pet socialization brings to the table for pet owners. To fill you up with some more motivation about the importance of socializing your pet, here are some inopportune things that might result because of poor socialization: Limited exercise Doggies with a poor socialization history are indifferent to physical exercise. By skipping adequate walking, running, fetching, and other forms of important physical exercises, such pooches put themselves at a higher risk in terms of contracting health conditions and disorders. Obesity is also a result of not getting enough physical exercise. As socializing a dog is difficult than socializing a pup, it’s important to start involving them in socialization activities from a young age. Increased fear and stress Dogs grown in a poorly socialized environment remain more terrified than the socialized ones.
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Pet boarding or pet sitting – Which is better
Pet Boarding

Pet boarding or pet sitting – Which is better

While being away from home for reasons varying from business travel to some kind of emergency, arranging for pet care is a major concern for every pet parent. Some people like to carry their pets only to find it resulting in discomfort for both the owner and their pet. Others like to escort their pet to untrained friends and neighbors, which is also unsatisfactory. Intelligent and diligent pet owners, on the other hand, use popular pet caring practices, which are pet sitting and pet boarding. Each has their own advantages over the other. Before we start discussing on in-house pet sitter vs. boarding your pet, it’s important to get a brief insight into both pet caring practices. Pet boarding Professional pet boarding facilities allow pet owners to leave their amiable furry friends under the supervision of trained and professional staff while they are away from home. Different pet boarding facilities have their own methodologies to treat their animal guests. Pet boarding is also a great option for ill pets that are suffering from some kind of contagious disease. Pet sitting Pet sitting is ideal for those who don’t wish their pets to leave the comfort of their home. However, some pet sitting providers grant pet owners the flexibility to have their amiable pets looked after at their own location, if required.
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Importance of kennel cough medicine for pets
Pet Boarding

Importance of kennel cough medicine for pets

Popularly known as a kennel cough, the canine infectious tracheobronchitis leads a suffering dog to make seemingly continuous coughs and sounds like choking on something. It is one of the leading cough problems faced by both pet dogs as well as the stray ones. Although on most occasions, dogs recover from the condition on their own, they might require medical assistance during other scenarios. What is a kennel cough? There are several different viruses that can cause a kennel cough. In most cases, it is caused by a bacterium dubbed Bordetella bronchiseptica. Because of this, the infectious tracheobronchitis is also referred to as Bordetella. Inhaling bacteria or virus particles into their respiratory tract leads to this undesired health condition in dogs. Most dogs that contract Bordetella bronchiseptica get infected with some kinds of virus simultaneously. These viruses include canine adenovirus, canine distemper virus, canine herpes virus, canine reovirus, and parainfluenza virus. Contracting such viruses worsens the Bordetella condition. Symptoms of Bordetella The symptoms of the infectious tracheobronchitis might vary from one dog to another. Nonetheless, following are some of the common symptoms associated with kennel cough: A persistent, choking cough sounding like a goose honk A running nose Continuous or irregular eye discharge Frequent sneezes Fever Loss of appetite Decreased energy level Why kennel cough in dogs needs timely treatment?
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Five tips for travelling with pets on a flight
Pet Boarding

Five tips for travelling with pets on a flight

Taking your pet with you by air is often a challenging task. Nonetheless, it’s a better option if you just can’t stop worrying about the condition of your furry friend being left alone at home. If you love your pet so much that you plan to carry it on your next air travel, then you should make the experience better with some opportune pet air travel tips. Consider your little friend’s temperament It will be untrue to say that pets like to travel. Actually, it might be the last thing that most of them prefer. Things can get a little complicated, if your pet’s temperament is stressful or if it suffers from high anxiety issues. Therefore, you would need to check your pet’s temperament first and then decide whether it can handle the journey or not. Look for a pet relief station If you’re having a layover during your flight, then you would need to take your pet to the pet relief station. It is usually a small green patched space available for pets to pee and poop. Moreover, you need to give it drinking water and some snacks at regular intervals for lightening up its mood. Choose a pet carrier that is comfortable One of the most important pet air travel tips is related to the pet carrier.
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Five effective tips to help soothe a dog’s separation anxiety
Pet Boarding

Five effective tips to help soothe a dog’s separation anxiety

You may have noticed the mess your dog makes when you are not at home; the barking and howling that goes out of control that seems to not only disturb you but also your neighbors, and the times you return home only to find that your dog has ripped your favorite pillow into shreds. Yes, these are all signs of pet separation anxiety. Soothing pet separation anxiety Dogs are hardly ever away from their pack, and if the owner leaves for long hours on a daily basis, this creates a severe amount of stress for them. When you come back home, your dogs pounce on you and follow you all around the house, which is like a release from anxiety for them. Mentioned below are a few tips that can help you soothe pet separation anxiety. Walk your dog – Make it a point to take your dog for a walk every day before you leave. The intention behind this is to give your dog a rigorous exercise regime followed by a reward in the form of food and water. In this way, your dog shall lose out on that anxious, negative energy and stay rather calm, relaxed and at rest when you go out for a while.
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