How to introduce a new pet to your household
Pet Training

How to introduce a new pet to your household

To welcome a new canine or a feline companion to the household is certainly one of the most exciting events in life. However, poor or no preparation for this event can make the entire experience stressful and unpleasant for both the pet parent and the new pet. Ensure that you give special attention to the pets that you already own. Therefore, before adding a second pet to your household or even introducing your very first pet to your household, you should make some preparations. Following are some tips that can help you make this transition pleasant and smooth. Consider the behavior of the pet you already own If you already own a pet and you are keen to get home another one, it is imperative that you consider your pet’s behavior and its readiness for a new playmate. Before adding a second pet to your household, make sure you address underlying behavioral issues of your existing pet. If your pet misbehaves and has some other unpleasant qualities, it is but obvious that the new one would pick the same awful habits. So take your time to make your household ready for a new pet. Avoid new food and treats Adding a second pet to your household can be as stressful for the animal as it can be for you.
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Basic beach etiquettes for your dog
Pet Training

Basic beach etiquettes for your dog

Beaches are beautiful havens of natural bliss that offer immense opportunities for relaxation of pets and pet owners. A beach can vary in terms of its regulations for pet dogs. It can be a leash-less beach, or it can allow dogs on a leash. Owners can swim with the pet dogs, jog, speed walk and enjoy water sports designed specifically for the fun of owner and pet. Here is a compact list of beach etiquette for dogs that you as a dog owner must keep in mind: Discard the litter or dog poop Being at a beach doesn’t mean that your duty to deal with your dog’s waste is over. A dog’s poop is hardly biodegradable. This holds true especially in the case of dogs that are fed on commercial dog food. Never try to bury your dog’s excreta in the sand, or wait for the waves of the ocean to wash it all away. Most dog-friendly beaches provide garbage cans for waste disposal, but it’s best to come prepared from home. You can bring a biodegradable bag rather than a plastic one and ensure that everyone has a pleasant time at the beach just like you did. Be vigilant on the beach As a dog owner, it’s your duty to supervise your dog and remain alert at all times while you are at the beach.
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Best 8 cat-friendly dog breeds
Pet Training

Best 8 cat-friendly dog breeds

Does having a cat as a pet already make you worry whether you’ll be able to bring home a dog or not? Well, then you probably haven’t heard of these cat-friendly dog breeds yet. Yes, such dogs do exist that can become best of buddies with your cat! Let’s take a look at some of the best dogs for cat households: Pomeranian Pomeranians are adorable and small, fluffy dogs that are very cat-friendly. Looking quite similar to the cats and weighing around 3 to 7 pounds, these dogs are very playful and intelligent. Golden Retriever One of the most popular family pets, the Golden Retriever is a breed of large-sized dogs. Known for their gentle and patient temperament and playful nature, Retrievers can be a great choice for homeowners living with cats. Boxer Though the dogs of this breed come in medium to large sizes, they are happy and playful. Boxer dogs, with their gentle nature, are considered to be one of the best dogs for cat households. Though not aggressive, they can be boisterous! Boxers need to be well trained to get accustomed to new members of the family as well as other pets. Poodle Coming in different sizes, such as miniature, toy size or standard, the Poodle is a breed that not only responds quickly to training but is also very intelligent.
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Top five companion dog breeds for seniors
Pet Training

Top five companion dog breeds for seniors

As you grow old and begin to have spare time to spend, one of the best options to consider is to get yourself a dog companion. Bringing a dog home can keep you entertained immensely as well as provide you a good company. With such a wide variety of dog breeds available wherein each kind of dog has a different personality and temperament, finding the right companion pet should not be a problem. For those who are wondering about such dog breeds well suited for aged people, here’s a quick glance at the top five best dogs for seniors: Maltese When it comes to dog breeds that are exclusively bred for being the best companion, Maltese is one of the most popular. Tiny and adorable, Maltese are loving and gentle, traits which make them ideal friends for seniors. They are too cute and shed very little, hence cleaning up requires minimum effort. Their qualities like staying in good health or keenness to learn new tricks make them loving lap dogs, perfect for seniors. Havanese Havanese dogs are social, playful and feature among the best dogs for seniors. Dogs from this breed are easy to carry from one place to another owing to their small size.
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How to get your dog started on dog agility training
Pet Training

How to get your dog started on dog agility training

What is a dog agility training? Dog agility training is one of the most competitive types of activity for a dog. It consists of many fun-filled activities including jumps, walkways, weave poles, and tunnels to thrill your dog. Being a dog owner, you can become his/her agility trainer and guide your dog to handle the obstacles. During competitive agility events, handlers or owners attempt to navigate dogs through a course of activities as quickly and as accurately as they can. To get your dog started on dog agility training, you need the following equipment that will help your dog to stay fit and active. Bar jump: Using a bar jump is the best first equipment you should use to start with the dog agility training. Just lower the bar to the ground or few inches above the ground. Hold your dog’s rope and go along with your dog and let him/her pass through the bar. Chances are your dog might hesitate a bit in doing this. Just guide him/her slowly and gradually and do offer some treat. Once he/she masters in the jump, raise the bar a few inches more. Tunnel: Initially make shorter tunnels for your dog to start with.
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Dog park rules that should never be broken
Pet Training

Dog park rules that should never be broken

A dog park is a place where our furry family members socialize. What makes these dog parks worth visiting for a dog and a pet parent are the golden dog park rules. Every pet owner is supposed to abide by these very important and helpful rules for dog parks. Ignoring and not following the set rules can make your visit to dog parks a nightmare. Make sure you consider these rules and then take your four-legged friends to the nearby park. Some of the common dog park rules include the following: Practice sharing Suppose you carry a whole bag of dog treats and water to a dog park, every time you take your pet there. While giving your pet a bowl of water, it is pretty natural that another dog comes over and sips some water from your pet’s bowl. There is nothing to feel bad about it. In fact, you should be willing to share your belongings. After all, your pet is there at the dog park to enjoy his time and make new friends. If other dogs share his treats and water, it is a sign of a newfound friendship. So, sharing is definitely one of the dog park rules that you should never break.
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Essential tips for first time dog owners
Pet Training

Essential tips for first time dog owners

Getting a new dog is like welcoming a new member into the family. It can be quite an experience. It grows on you and pretty soon, the pet becomes a family member, demanding all the love, attention and care. However, dog training for first-time owners might be a borderline hectic experience. When you get a dog for the first time, there will be a few adjustments that you will have to add to your daily lifestyle. If it is a puppy, regular training is a must, and if it is an adult dog, it will take some time to adjust to the surroundings. Getting a new pet is a challenge for both the owner and the animal. They will eventually love you unconditionally, but it might be a joyride for the first few weeks. Pro tips before you own a dog Active people prefer to pet animals who are more active and can also keep up with a fast-paced life, so make sure you know your pet’s energy level before bringing them home. After you bring in the furry new member at home, as part of dog training for first-time owners, make sure you avoid certain things that might affect the new entrant in the future:
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Top 9 dog walking tips
Pet Training

Top 9 dog walking tips

Being a dog owner, you are supposed to make your dog walk at least once a day. Dog walking should be fun and enjoyable for both the dog and its owner. Well, dog walking can also be a punishment to you, if you don’t know how it is done. The following are the top nine dog walking tips you may practice: Prepare yourself: Before heading out, keep few necessary things that you might need during the walk. Always keep poop bag, extra leash, and a treat for your dog with you and then head out with your dog. Be patient while attaching the leash: Don’t put the leash on your dog’s collar forcefully. Let him calm down and sit. This will make your dog realize that he will be greeted well when he is calm. Use the treat wisely: Offer treats to your dog on every good behavior. For instance, if he walks near you, give him a treat. If he plays near you, give him a treat. Doing this will make him realize that being around you is rewarding. This way he will never try to run or go away from you. This is one of the best dog walking tips one can follow.
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Tips to choose the right dog trainer
Pet Training

Tips to choose the right dog trainer

If you are a dog owner, you have to pay attention to its health and overall wellbeing. Failing in doing so will make leave your dog hassled, lazy and weak. Finding the right dog trainer is not as an irksome task as some dog owners might think. If you’re among those who want to train their dog(s) to perfection, an opportune dog trainer is what you need. An apt trainer not only makes your dog a better pet but also assists you to have a better bond with your domesticated animal. The best approach for choosing an apposite dog trainer starts with a relevant questionnaire. Remember, you need to ask certain questions, like the ones mentioned below, to the dog trainer to find out whether he or she is on par with your expectations or not. Is there anything you know about dog training philosophy? Start your search for finding right dog trainer with a little introduction. The purpose of the opening question of the questionnaire is to identify the psyche of the trainer pertaining to dog training. It’s the most important aspect of training. Every dog trainer has his/her own distinctive methodology for training dogs, which depends primarily on their philosophy.
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Importance of finding the right dog walker
Pet Training

Importance of finding the right dog walker

Walking is one of the most enjoyable things that dogs like to do. Apart from other physical activities, dogs need walks for exercise and mental stimulation. Walking helps to ward off boredom and laziness and keeps them more active. Moreover, it has a positive impact on their health and keeps them fit. There are lots of perks pertaining to taking your beloved dog for a nice long walk. However, if you are too busy to spare some quality walk time for your dog regularly, you must invest a little extra time to find the right dog walker for your pet. Dog walk facts Before finding the right dog walker for your domesticated animal, you need to know some well-established facts about dog walk to make you more convinced about hiring an apt dog walker. Here they are: An average adult dog requires about an hour of daily walk. Dogs are not able to make their own training routine when outdoors. This is because they are distracted much more than humans. Regular walks prevent a dog from pet anxiety and stress, a common health condition observed among dogs. Outdoor walking is a great opportunity for dogs to explore the various smells, sounds, fellow dogs, and other living things that are present in the outside world.
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