How to keep your cat healthy and happy indoors
Pet Training

How to keep your cat healthy and happy indoors

Most people like to keep cats indoors. Reasons for this are many, ranging from keeping them safe from outside dangers to spending more time with them. Keeping cats indoors is important during the winters. Indoor activities for cats will help them get acquainted with the family members and the owner as well. However, while keeping cats inside, it’s important to plan some healthy indoor activities for cats. This doesn’t mean that you should not allow some outdoor time for your domesticated feline. Just remember to accompany it outside. Here are some great indoor activities for cats that can uplift your domesticated feline’s mood and affect its health positively: Relaxing or sunbathing on a padded perch: There are several means to get a padded perch, as many pet supply stores, online pet stores, and catalog retailers put them on sale. While installing a padded perch indoors, it’s opportune to set it up near some sunny window. You can also try an enclosure that sits on a window frame for providing private space for your cat to relax and rest. Padded perches are available in a number of sizes, ranging from concise space-saving units to large perches apt for setting up at one side of a house or in a ground-floor apartment patio.
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How to introduce your dog to puppies
Pet Training

How to introduce your dog to puppies

Are you thinking about introducing a puppy to your family when you already have a dog? Well, then you must know about the best ways of introducing dogs to puppies as their first meeting may turn out to be a problematic one, if not planned properly. It’s very natural for the resident dogs to protect their turfs and this can result in the puppy feeling strange and alien. Therefore, explore these simple yet effective tips for ensuring a proper introduction between your resident dogs and a new pup. Initiate the meeting on neutral ground First and foremost, once you finalize on a puppy, let your resident dog meet him on some neutral ground like the tennis court, the training center, etc. Holding the first meeting on a neutral ground always prevents the resident dog from feeling fearful or protective of its owner or house. You can also try arranging the first meet at some park with which your dog is already familiar as that can help him/her focus on the new puppy more positively. Arrange for meeting the puppy inside the house When introducing dogs to puppies, make sure that you keep the resident dog outside when placing the puppies inside the house.
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4 effective tips to introduce your senior cat to a kitten
Pet Training

4 effective tips to introduce your senior cat to a kitten

Getting your older cat accept a new kitten in the house can be a challenging task but it might be a success if done the right way. After all, every cat wishes to be the only darling pet of his or her owner. Sharing the attention of their owner with another cat may be difficult for senior cats, and they might need lots of your time and patience before accepting a newly introduced kitten. Knowing how to persuade your older cat to accept the new kitten will make the job much simpler. Here are a few ways of introducing senior cats to kittens, which will ensure a healthy cohabitation of the two under the same roof: Create a safe room for both the cats Unlike the common belief, it’s not the kitten who gets scared of the older cat, but the other way around. All the playing and jumping around can sometimes frighten the older cat, as a result of which it withdraws itself more. Therefore, when bringing a new kitten, make sure you keep them in separate rooms for the first few days. Forcefully introducing senior cats to kittens may irritate or annoy your older cat. Ensure that they bump into each other only in your presence.
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6 tips to prepare a checklist for a new kitten
Pet Training

6 tips to prepare a checklist for a new kitten

Having a furry friend in the house is always a welcoming thought. All kittens, however, have an inherent insatiable curiosity, which can be the cause of several problems once you make them a part of your family. As a soon to be pet owner you need to plan and prepare for the entry of your kitten into your home to ensure that it is hassle-free for you and it as well. You need to have a new kitten checklist in place so that you are fully prepared to host this new furball in your home: Kitten-proof the house The first most important task on your ‘New Kitten Checklist’ is to make your home kitten proof. You need to think from your cat’s perspective, get on the floor and look up to see what seems most tempting. Jot down these things that appeal to your fancy and tackle them with care. Get the basic necessities in place First and foremost, food items must be on the New Kitten Checklist. Fix a place for your cat to sleep. Also, make sure that you get a scratching post or pad for your new furry member. You would also need a litter box. Buying a few toys would be a plus as it would make your little friend feel welcome and less isolated during the first few days.
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A detailed checklist for a new dog owner
Pet Training

A detailed checklist for a new dog owner

Getting a pup is always exciting. It is like having a new baby at home. It is not easy to get adjusted to having a new pet at home especially if this would be your first experience. So before you get your adorable bundle of joy to join you in your home, it is advisable that you prepare with our new puppy checklist. Otherwise, you may find it very chaotic and overwhelming to have a pet around. If you are prepared then the first few days of getting adjusted with your pet becomes much easier. Apart from looking for service providers, supplies, and equipment your preparations must also include planning how you will bring in the change in your everyday routine. When you are prepared for your pet, you will have a happy pet and balanced life. Here is the new puppy checklist that will help you to get used to having a new pet in the family. Crate: This should be the first thing that you need to include in your new puppy checklist. The crate is important for house training your puppy. It also helps to keep your new puppy safe when you are not around to look after.
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Tips to train your dog
Pet Training

Tips to train your dog

Owning a dog can be completely overwhelming, especially if it is the first time for you. Obedience training is a crucial subject and needs to be given its due importance once you bring home a dog. A well trained dog/pet always leaves positive traits for the owner. Following little steps will make the task of obedience training far less difficult than it actually is. Tools That You Need For Obedience Training Certain tools can help you along the way as you train your dog to be obedient and behave in a . Although an effective dog training program does not require many items, just a few basic supplies will be enough to make the process more convenient and effective. You need to select a dog collar or harness that is suitable and comfortable for your dog. A dog leash is also an important component for training. Opt for a non- retractable leash rather than a retractable one. Dog treats that your dog enjoys and are easy to eat quickly (immediate rewards) also need to be on your list of things. These tools will also help improve the bond that you share with your furry pal. Make sure that you take care of your dog’s basic needs and requirements.
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Reasons why you should be running with your dog
Pet Training

Reasons why you should be running with your dog

Running with your dog can be rejuvenating for a number of reasons. If you feel that over a period of time, your running routine has become monotonous and passive, then it’s time you take your dog along to make it more fun and exciting.The following are the reasons as to why you should run with your dog. Running with your dog demands your attention: You can forget about passing the scenery without ever looking at it. Your dog will ensure that you pay attention to every tuft of grass you pass on the way. This improves your focus and your response time. Your running partner will never complain: if you feel like changing your route on a particular day or altering your pace, your canine partner will never have an issue. Your running partner’s schedule will never clash with yours: we have all experienced the disappointment when our running partner does not turn up due to any number of reasons. When your running partner is a dog, you do not even have to worry about running late or changing the time; you can run according to your convenience. Your dog is always motivated: When you have a dog as a running partner, you do not have to worry about losing days to laziness.
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Tips to control your pet from peeing inside the house
Pet Training

Tips to control your pet from peeing inside the house

Pets are adorable, and dogs are more so; until they decide to pee inside the house. It becomes a very annoying and exhaustive experience once they start doing it, and it takes a lot of effort before you can stop pets peeing in the house. Ensure that you train your pet in a gentle way with patience and great understanding. Getting aggressive would not work with them and it may cause the opposite to happen. Why does your dog pee in the house? Dogs often pee in the house, and it doesn’t take long before it becomes a habit for the dog and a nightmare for the owner. Studies suggest that there can be various reasons why a dog owner cannot stop pets peeing in the house. The most obvious of them include: Dogs can’t wait to go outside to pee, if they are affected by a disease or if they are sick. Some dogs get overexcited at times and tend to pee wherever they are. If the owners haven’t taught the dogs to always pee outside the house, it’s no surprise if they sometimes fail to do so. Dogs mark places and often urinate at the same spot. Five remedial measures to stop your dog from peeing inside the house Before it becomes an issue that gives you headaches, you can try out a few remedial measures to stop pets peeing in the house.
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Take your dog to work day- do
Pet Training

Take your dog to work day- do

Interaction with dogs has several health benefits from lowering your blood pressure to elevating the levels of serotonin and dopamine, which help you to relax. Keeping this in view companies such as Amazon, Ben & Jerry’s and Google allow their staff to bring their pets to work. For the rest of us, there is Take your Dog to work day. As dog owners and dog lovers, we look forward to this opportunity to introduce our canine friends to the other part of their lives. However, the onus is upon us to ensure that Take your Dog to work day is equally enjoyable for our colleagues and management. We have come up with a list of Do’s and Don’ts that you may find helpful. Do’s: Talk to your coworkers and management: It may be difficult for you, as a dog lover, to understand that many of your colleagues may not be comfortable with the idea of a dog in the workplace. Some of them may be afraid, while others may be allergic to dogs. It is always a good idea to talk to the management and colleagues before you get your fur baby to the office. Ensure they give in their consent before getting your four-legged friend to work.
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5 Myths and facts about sharing your bed with pets
Pet Training

5 Myths and facts about sharing your bed with pets

It may be the most heavenly experience to sleep with your furry pal. Sleeping with your pet comes with its share of benefits and risks. Here we clear the air about sleeping with your pets with some tips for establishing bedroom boundaries with your furry friends : Myth: Sleeping with pets can be unhealthy Fact: Sleeping with pets actually reduces stress For anyone suffering from insomnia feelings such as stress, depression and anxiety are common. In reality, the emotional turmoil of these disorders makes it impossible to enjoy a sound sleep at night. Pets, on the other hand, promote feelings of calmness and relief. Sleeping with a furry friend helps counteract anxious thoughts caused due to insomnia. Just touching an animal can raise the level of oxytocin in our brain and make us feel good. Myth: Sleeping with pets can lead to a disturbed sleep Fact: Sleeping with pets brings a greater sense of security Although movements from smaller dogs or cats may not wake you, a larger dog’s movement can disturb sleep. Dogs also have dreams and tend to kick, grunt and move in their sleep. If your pet scratches at night, the noise from their nails can also wake you up.
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