Know how to be a responsible pet breeder with these effective tips
Pet Breeders

Know how to be a responsible pet breeder with these effective tips

Pet breeding might sound like quite an easy task, but often it is not. The task of breeding pets such as dogs is a challenging, yet, a rewarding experience. Besides being time-consuming and labor-intensive, responsible pet breeding also requires money, great patience, careful planning, and knowledge about each specific breed, and a lot more. A responsible breeder must selectively breed chosen mates each with replicable characteristics and qualities so that the offspring acquires those characteristics. Once a pet breeder understands his or her responsibilities, then the outcome can be quite satisfying. If you’re looking forward to being a responsible pet breeder, there are certain pointers and rules that need to be followed before venturing into this area. Responsible pet breeding demands a thorough research which will give you clarity on the procedure. Research involves reading books that are written by veterinarians and reputable breeders. You may also discuss with your known vet about the pros and cons of pet breeding. Interaction with experienced breeders also helps to get information about the realities of pet breeding. To be a responsible pet breeder, you must not be in a hurry to breed the pets. You must allow them to grow up properly and then get their health certificates done after the completion of about twenty-four months.
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10 dog breeds that adapt well to apartment living
Pet Breeders

10 dog breeds that adapt well to apartment living

If you live in an apartment, you are probably aware of the constraints of apartment living. Even if you are an ardent lover of dogs, you have to devote a lot of thought to the breeds, which you can bring back home. Apart from the size of the dog, you have to consider its nature; your neighbours may not appreciate an alarm dog that barks a lot, while an energetic pup may find your small space confining. To make your search easier, we have listed the top ten apartment dog breeds that will be most suitable for your lifestyle. Pug: Compact and friendly, with an adorable face, pugs are easier to maintain than most apartment dog breeds. They are playful and mischievous and can easily adapt to any environment and lifestyle. They do not need a lot of outdoor exercise and will remain happy and healthy even if they have to spend the whole day indoors. Beagle: Their small size makes the friendly beagle your perfect apartment companion. They love spending time with people and are especially fond of kids. Beagles can be considered as one of the best apartment dog breeds you can choose from. Cocker Spaniel: The merry outgoing cocker spaniel is next on our list of apartment dog breeds.
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Tips to care for pets with special needs
Pet Breeders

Tips to care for pets with special needs

Caring for special needs pets may require a little extra effort on your part. But then, there is no greater happiness than seeing your happy and healthy friend thriving under your care. We have listed a few things, which will assist you in caring for special needs pets. Take your pet for regular checkups to evaluate his condition. Follow up on medications and other necessary changes in routine care or diet. Maintain a healthy balanced diet, rich in nutrients, to nourish their overall health. Grooming, as your pet may not be able to groom himself regularly, you would want to be more thorough and regular with his grooming routine. Brush his coat regularly, give him a bath, brush his teeth, and clip his nail to maintain good hygiene. Check your pet regularly for fleas and take necessary precautions to prevent an infestation. It is important to supervise their bladder and bowel movements. If you feel that they are urinating and defecating less than normal, you must consult your vet as this may lead to intestinal infections and arthritis. Use diapers for pets with bladder and bowel incontinence. To reduce the risk of infection, change soiled diapers immediately. Keep their living area clean and disinfected.
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5 common scenarios when one’s cat may be lost
Pet Breeders

5 common scenarios when one’s cat may be lost

This seems to be the query of every cat parent at least once “where is my cat?” Cats have a tendency of getting lost once in a while. If your furry friend loves being indoors, then you don’t need to worry much over it getting lost. If they are temperamental, they will come out only once in a while. If your feline is more of an outdoor type then, you need to set sight upon your cat every few hours. But if you are unable to see it for 48 hours, it is then a matter of concern. If your cat is missing, here are some common lost cat scenarios: Common lost cat scenario 1 : It is hard to believe that the most common lost cat scenario is the furry thing has got trapped in a tree, on a roof top, or somewhere else from where they feel that they cannot escape on their own. Start by looking for that furry ball on top of or under the things from where they might not be able to get out. Common lost cat scenario 2 : Cats tend to roam within a five house radius of their owner’s house. They consider the whole of the block as their own territory.
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9 popular dog breeds for the city life
Pet Breeders

9 popular dog breeds for the city life

Dogs have always been man’s best companion ever since we can remember in history. You may have a wish of getting a pooch for yourself. If you’re living in the city, the size of your dog would matter because living spaces are constrained in cities; however, other factors also have to be taken into consideration such as the dog’s energy level, noisiness, friendliness, etc. as there will be neighbours in close proximity and lot of socializing. When it comes to living in a city, there are various factors which will help you to decide on the best dog breeds for 5 major metropolises. Keeping the general factors in mind, the best dog breeds for 5 major metropolises are: Basenji He can be a naughty or a mischievous dog if he is left unattended for long durations of time. A Basenji rarely barks and does not grow taller than 18 inches or weigh over 25 pounds. A Basenji is an ideal dog breed for any 5 of the major metropolises in the country. Bischon Frise This breed is an energetic one full of fur; however, it comparatively sheds very less as to similar breeds. This makes them ideal for people with allergies or for those living in small spaces in cities.
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6 common dog breed myths debunked
Pet Breeders

6 common dog breed myths debunked

Are you a dog person? Do you love adorable puppies with big eyes and wagging tails? Well, then you would have heard a lot of stereotypical myths about some of the most common breeds among dogs. However, ensure to not fall for the misconception. Here’s a brief description of some of the most common dog breed myths: Myth: Pugs are lazy The most common misconception about pugs is that they are lazy and don’t want to be active. However, the fact is that pugs are quite active and happy members of the family, just like any other dog breed. Pugs are not naturally bred to be running dogs, but they still enjoy a good run and love chasing a ball. Myth: Chihuahuas are yappy The most common myth about Chihuahuas is that they are yappy. All dogs have a natural instinct to bark. Chihuahuas are no different than any other dog. They tend to be very protective of their owners, but they’re not any more or less yappy than any other breed of dogs. Myth: Irish Setters are dumb Another common dog breed myths is that Irish Setters are dumb because of their puppyish nature. This is just a misconception.
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Health issues faced by brachycephalic or flat-faced dogs and what you can do to help
Pet Breeders

Health issues faced by brachycephalic or flat-faced dogs and what you can do to help

The so-called Brachycephalic or flat-faced dogs are getting more popular by the day. What most people don’t know is that there is an innate health issue this breed is born with. The health issues for brachycephalic or flat-faced dogs (pugs), such as laryngeal paralysis, can affect larger non-short muzzle dogs, as they get older. Certain breeds are predisposed to have specific health issues, and every dog owner needs to educate himself or herself about these. Brachycephalic dog breeds Brachycephalic is a scientific term used to describe a short head. Dog breeds that come under brachycephalic dog breeds are the pug, boxer, chocolate Labrador, Shih Tzus, Boston terriers, Pekingese, and French and English bulldogs. Such breeds have a flat or squashed face which results in side effects such as innumerable folds of skin that cause skin infections and protruding eyes. Other health issues for brachycephalic or flat-faced dogs (pugs) breeds include difficulty in breathing and overheating that puts them at a higher risk of dying during air travel than regular dogs. This is the reason why many airlines place restrictions on these dog breeds. The short muzzle brings along a plethora of problems. Parts of the upper airway passage can be undersized or flattened due to the muzzled face including pinched nostrils and stenotic nares.
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Hypoallergenic cat breeds – For those cat lovers allergic to cats
Pet Breeders

Hypoallergenic cat breeds – For those cat lovers allergic to cats

Cats can definitely be adorable as pets. But what about those who are allergic to cats yet would love to own one? Hypoallergenic pet breeds can be the solution in that case. These are the few cat breeds that have less of Fel d 1 protein present in their saliva, urine, and dander, the reasons which typically causes allergies. List of hypoallergenic cat breeds Note that although the allergens present is lesser than other breeds, no cat breed is 100% free of these allergens. So, look into their characteristics carefully to choose the most suitable one. Javanese cats – If you are looking for a brilliant cat breed, then this long-haired version of the Color-pointed shorthair is the perfect fit. It is almost as if this breed understands what you have to say. Bengal cats – This breed is a very expensive one that starts at around $2,000. It is a cross between an Asian Leopard cat and a domestic cat. This breed is an absolute stunner with great hypoallergenic properties. Colorpoint shorthair – This unique cat breed has a unique coat with sixteen different point colors, and it is a cousin of the Siamese breed. This hypoallergenic pet breed is great to look at and has a short haired coat which is always a plus point.
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Know the best dog breeds that are naturally kid friendly
Pet Breeders

Know the best dog breeds that are naturally kid friendly

Adopting a dog is more like choosing a family member. They can be great companions for kids, a source of unconditional love for them, and help them learn responsibility and cooperation. Although most dog breeds can turn out well for kids if properly trained, few selected breeds tend to naturally be kid-friendly. Here we have compiled a list of kid-friendly dog breeds that are suitable for families with kids. Bulldogs Calm and affectionate, this breed is a loving and sociable family pet. They thrive in big-family settings and are great watchdogs. They have an incredible reputation for being great in the company of children, with whom they are exceptionally gentle and patient. Having a bulldog around your child is a great choice as they are naturally loving. Beagles Beagles are exceptional hunting dogs known for their happy-go-lucky attitude. And thanks to their puppy dog expression and floppy-ears, they look adorable. This breed is known to be very fond of children, and that is what makes a beagle an excellent family dog. They have a fun-loving personality that is neither aggressive nor timid. Newfoundland Gentle Giants as they are called—the Newfoundland is a large working dog known for their giant size, intelligence, calmness, strength, and loyalty.
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4 of the largest dog breeds that can be your pet
Pet Breeders

4 of the largest dog breeds that can be your pet

A pet makes for a great companion and friend, and it can entirely change the environment of your home. It’s never a bad idea to keep a dog as a pet, as they tend to be loyal, loving, and very playful. However, choosing a breed can be a dilemma, as there are so many to pick from. Even though some people have an affinity for small dogs, a majority of them prefer larger dog breeds. If you want to know some of the largest dog breeds you can choose from, read through this article for a comprehensive look at them. The Great Dane This breed of dog is typically considered among the largest, but much of it is down to its height. On an average, the height of a Great Dane is 28 to 30 inches. However, they are not the heaviest, thanks to an average weight of 100 to 120 pounds. The Great Dane descended from crossbreeds between Irish wolfhounds and English Mastiffs, and they were mostly used as hunting dogs. Neapolitan Mastiff This mastiff breed ranks among the largest dog breeds in terms of sheer mass. These dogs are known for their weight, with an average weight of 130 to 155 pounds.
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