Pet Breeders
Cat breeds-Effects on personality, behavior, and health
Like humans, every cat is unique. The traits of a cat’s personality depend on the breed, how it was raised, and its early socialization. A feline’s personality/behavior definitely depends on the cat’s breed. Different breeds of cats have different characteristics. Some breeds of cats are very active while some breeds are less active. Generally, cats are categorized into two groups-oriental and non oriental depending on their body and activity type. The cats that have sleek, long bodies with short hair fall into the oriental group and the cats with larger bodies and long hair with less activity fall in the non oriental group. A feline’s personality and behavior is strikingly different between the two groups. The breeds Somali, Cornish, Bombay, Egyptian Mau, Devon Rexes, and Sphynx fall in the oriental group. These cats are very active, curious, intelligent, and vocal. The non-oriental group breed cats are generally lazy. They do not love to jump around or hop on to things. They just love to lie down and get pampered. Ragdolls, Persian, American and British shorthairs, Siberian, Norwegian forest cats, Turkish Angoras, Himalayans, Turkish Vans, and Maine coons are the breeds that fall in the non oriental group. One study conducted by the University of Lincoln states that cats can be distinguished into five different personalities.
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