Pet Medicine
Can chemotherapy help in treating cancer in cats and dogs
“Your pet has been diagnosed with cancer.” Just listening to such a statement from your Vet, will obviously make you scared, clueless, and concerned about your pet. While “Cancer” always sounds scary to humans, you need to understand that it may not be terminal for your pet. Your vet will offer you treatment options that will cure your pet of cancer. Cancer treatment for cats and dogs will most likely include chemotherapy, and you will have to make a decision if your pet will undergo the chemotherapy treatment or not. What is chemotherapy? Lymphoma is one of the most common types of cancer that your pet may be diagnosed with. If the cancer is not widespread then the tumor will be removed through surgery. If cancer has already spread in the pet’s body, or if the pet is not an ideal candidate for surgery, then the vet will advise chemotherapy to treat cancer. Chemotherapy is the cancer treatment for cats and dogs that kills the cancer cells in the body. Depending on the type of cancer that your dog has, a combination of drugs will be used for chemotherapy. Your vet will closely monitor the overall health of your pet to make sure your pet has minimal side effects from the chemotherapy.
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