Can chemotherapy help in treating cancer in cats and dogs
Pet Medicine

Can chemotherapy help in treating cancer in cats and dogs

“Your pet has been diagnosed with cancer.” Just listening to such a statement from your Vet, will obviously make you scared, clueless, and concerned about your pet. While “Cancer” always sounds scary to humans, you need to understand that it may not be terminal for your pet. Your vet will offer you treatment options that will cure your pet of cancer. Cancer treatment for cats and dogs will most likely include chemotherapy, and you will have to make a decision if your pet will undergo the chemotherapy treatment or not. What is chemotherapy? Lymphoma is one of the most common types of cancer that your pet may be diagnosed with. If the cancer is not widespread then the tumor will be removed through surgery. If cancer has already spread in the pet’s body, or if the pet is not an ideal candidate for surgery, then the vet will advise chemotherapy to treat cancer. Chemotherapy is the cancer treatment for cats and dogs that kills the cancer cells in the body. Depending on the type of cancer that your dog has, a combination of drugs will be used for chemotherapy. Your vet will closely monitor the overall health of your pet to make sure your pet has minimal side effects from the chemotherapy.
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Symptoms and treatments of diabetes in cats
Pet Medicine

Symptoms and treatments of diabetes in cats

Diabetes mellitus is an inability to produce enough insulin to balance blood sugar, or glucose levels in a cat’s body. While obese, middle-aged, indoor cats are more likely to develop diabetes, the disease can affect all felines. A sudden shift in eating and drinking routines is indicative of the condition. With an insulin deficiency in the body, a cat can’t use the glucose available to it. Its body then tries to dilute the high sugar by increasing the thirst. Weight loss, loss of appetite, increased throat infection, vomiting, dehydration, severe depression, problems with motor function and coma are some commonly occurring features of cat diabetes. Make sure you consult a vet if you find relevant symptoms of cat diabetes. Here some tips on how you can manage cat diabetes efficiently: Choose wet cat food over dry The fact is that cats are inherently carnivores. A wildcat would run outside and catch its prey, nourishing itself with loads of proteins and some carbohydrates. A balanced meal for a cat is a mix of micronutrients and amino acids. However today, most cat owners jump to choose dry cat food due to its hassle-free and mess-free approach. Dry cat food is high in carbohydrates, which goes against the natural food choices made by a cat.
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Effective treatments for cataract in pets
Pet Medicine

Effective treatments for cataract in pets

As your pet age, you might see some milkiness in their eyes. Changes in the lens fibers of the eyes are the common possible cause of the same. This is usually referred to as cataracts in pets and is normal to occur amongst pets that are aging. When the eye lens that is located directly behind the iris is clouded, it prevents the light from passing to the retina, which can cause partial or complete loss of vision. Any chronic disease, immune disorders, and in fewer cases, some ear problems are some of the causes of occurrence of this problem. Cataracts in pets generally lead to a blurry vision. You certainly cannot embed a pair of glasses to your pet. Therefore, you need some proper remedies to deal with this issue. Discussed below are some of the possible treatments you can look for: Cineraria eye drops: Cineraria has the capacity to clear and diffuse interfering fibrils in the lens. It is gluten-free and is the most valuable remedy for cataracts in pets. It has a quick healing process and increases circulation in the tissues of the eyes. It is recommended to start using Cineraria eye drops at an early stage of cataract.
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Top 5 ways to get rid of ticks in dogs
Pet Medicine

Top 5 ways to get rid of ticks in dogs

If you are a dog owner, you will have to take care of your pet, and the most common health complications would be dog ticks. Summer and spring mean ticks when it comes to your pet dog. It is an ugly sight to look at when your cute pet dog is infected with blood-sucking ticks, which are difficult to get rid of. If left untreated, dog ticks can invite some serious health hazards for your pet. The only way for a pet owner to deal with dog ticks is to get up close and personal in order to assure success. Hence, to ensure that your dog enjoys a tick-free time, here is a list of things you should take note of: Spot-on treatments Your veterinarian can help you narrow down onto an over-the-counter spot-on medication that is easily available at a pet store or online. These spot-on treatments are well known to mitigate the ills of ticks and fleas in dogs. They work perfectly when it comes to keeping away parasites for up to a month. However, you need to be careful with these medications and do as directed by the doctor. Also, there can be times that the prescribed medicines may not suit your furry friend.
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Is flatulence a sign of illness in dogs
Pet Medicine

Is flatulence a sign of illness in dogs

It is quite common for people to suffer from indigestion and stomach ailments every now and then, and dogs are no different. They too suffer from indigestion and other stomach problems. When excess gas forms in the stomach or intestine for some reason or the other, it eventually has to be released through one end of the gastrointestinal tract. But the question here is whether it is normal or a sign of underlying illness. To understand this is in a better light, read on. Flatulence in dogs – Cause and effect Dogs and gas don’t go well together, and excessive flatulence in dogs is usually linked to inefficient digestion, mostly because of inappropriate diets. Giving your dog excessively processed dog food is one of the primary reasons for this. But there are also certain underlying medical conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome that can be the cause of flatulence. In addition, it may be due to exocrine deficiency or intestinal parasites as well. In some cases, it may also be caused by tumors. Further, flatulence can lead to chronic indigestion problems and other serious health concerns, if left untreated. These diseases also pose a severe threat to their spinal system as the digestive system in dogs are very close to the lower spinal area.
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Things to consider before using essential oils for your pets
Pet Medicine

Things to consider before using essential oils for your pets

Do you own a pet? Well, if yes, after reading this article, you will be inclined to increase your essential oil purchase. A few essential oils may always be on your shopping list as you use them for your physical and mental wellness. Those essential oils offer many benefits to your pets too. Essential oils for pets prove beneficial for them as they help them fight itchy skin, stomach upset, anxiety issues and many more. Whether it’s dealing with digestive issues or boosting the immune system of your pets, essential oils for pets have more benefits to offer than you know. However, if not used safely, instead of doing good, these oils can end up harming your pets. Here is a brief guide that can help you with diffusing these oils in ways that are completely safe for your pets. Choose the right essential oils With a number of essential oils for pets now being available in the market, you must be careful in choosing one, keeping in mind the requirement of your pet. Each oil has a different purpose, and a few common problems they can be used for are flea control, fungal, and bacterial infections. Being more sensitive to smell than humans, you also need to be extra careful with essentials oils that have a strong smell.
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How to spot, treat and prevent leptospirosis in dogs
Pet Medicine

How to spot, treat and prevent leptospirosis in dogs

This serious malady by the name of leptospirosis is a bacterial infection and it can affect both humans and animals. Leptospirosis in dogs is an acquired infection when a subspecies of the bacteria Spirochetes penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream. The bacteria spread through the entire body, leading to fever and blood infection. The initial infection sometimes resolves on its own depending on the strength of the dog’s immune system. Even then the bacteria can remain in the kidneys, reproducing there and infecting the urine. The infection can be fatal because it can damage the vital organs if it progresses and remains untreated. Moreover, humans, especially children, are at risk of acquiring bacteria from an infected pet. Not all dogs that are exposed to leptospirosis become visibly ill. To spot the onsets of leptospirosis in dogs, look out for one or more of the following symptoms: Sudden fever and illness Reluctant to move because of sore muscles Stiff gait because of stiff muscles Shivering and weakness General lack of appetite Increased thirst and urination for no apparent reason Cough and runny nose Difficulty in breathing Treatment of leptospirosis in dogs Because leptospirosis in dogs is an easily transmitted infection, they have to be hospitalized for treating this infection.
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Top 3 dog products accepted by Veterinary Oral Health Council
Pet Medicine

Top 3 dog products accepted by Veterinary Oral Health Council

Pet care is not simple. If you own a pet, you have to be equally responsible for its well being in terms of physical and oral needs. Right from providing the right nutrition to managing their dental health, every aspect is crucial for them to lead a long and happy life. When it comes to purchasing products to maintain your pet dental health, opt for products, which are accepted by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC). The team of dentists and dental scientists review products and decide whether they should have the VOHC seal on them or not. The oral health council approves the products after rigorous testing and then award a seal to them, which means that these products are recognized by the council. This is extremely useful for the oral health of dogs when used according to instructions. They typically come as kibbles. This makes the process simple as the dog’s teeth get cleaned while they munch. Here is a quick look at some of the best products in this category for you to gain a fair understanding. Prescription Diet Canine t/d: Original Diet Hill’s Pet Nutrition Inc. manufactures this very useful product for supporting pet dental health.
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Pet diarrhea- Causes, symptoms, and treatment
Pet Medicine

Pet diarrhea- Causes, symptoms, and treatment

For all of the new pet parents out there, you should know that you have to be prepared for pet diarrhea since it is inevitable, just like how it is in case of humans. Pet diarrhea can occur onset and can be for a short duration. There are a number of symptoms of the same, the most prominent being frequent loose or liquid bowel movements. Sooner or later, your pet shall have it, and while older cat or dog parents will be familiar with it, the new parents will find the information below useful for them. Causes of pet diarrhea If you happen to change your pet’s diet all of a sudden, then this may result in pet diarrhea. Parasites can cause gastrointestinal upset in pets. Other than that, viral and bacterial infections within the GI tract can also cause diarrhea, which can range from a mild to a life-threatening situation. A common cause of diarrhea in pets is the food allergy. Pet owners need to be aware of the allergies that their pets have concerning certain food items. In case your pet ingests something that he is allergic to, this may cause an upset. In case of a food allergy, your pet will tend to scratch excessively.
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How to get accustomed to pet first aid
Pet Medicine

How to get accustomed to pet first aid

First aid is as important for pets as for human beings. Pet first aid can play a very crucial role in providing the immediate help required by any animal in distress. Pet first aid is a must as it will help the pet owner to protect, care and even prevent certain diseases and health issues from attacking the pet. Imagine a situation where your pet slips down the staircase or finds it difficult to breathe on a hot and sultry day? In times of emergencies, knowledge of pet first aid can be life-saving for the pet, especially before specialized veterinary help arrives. Ways of learning first aid If you are unsure of your ability to provide first aid to your pet in emergency situations, then it is recommended that you opt for a pet first aid course. There are many such courses available at pocket-friendly prices. Having first aid knowledge can help you and your pet immensely. Hence, you should go ahead and enroll yourself in one for taking better care of your pets. Online classes We are currently living in a modern world of technology where almost everything has gone online, including educational courses. You can find many online pet first aid courses, which would help you get a detailed idea about how to provide help to your pet at the time of an emergency.
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