Top 8 pet poison myths debunked
Pet Medicine

Top 8 pet poison myths debunked

Our inquisitive little pets love to check out every new and shiny thing around the house. The problem is that they use their nose and mouth to explore things. As a pet owner, you have to be extra cautious of the things around the house that may pose a threat to your pet. This activity can help keep them healthy and safe around the house. Today, pet owners are more aware than ever before. You may already have a truckload of information on the subject. But it usually becomes difficult to distinguish the real threats from the false alarms. In this article, we would like to debunk the top eight pet poison myths. Myth: It is safe to use human toothpaste on your dog’s teeth. This is one of the most heard of pet poison myths. Fact: Xylitol, an artificial sweetener, is commonly found in human toothpaste. Xylitol can cause a rapid drop in blood sugar and liver failure in dogs. You should check the label of your toothpaste before using it on your dog. However, it is always better to use those toothpaste recommended by your vet. Myth: Cats need milk. Fact: Cats and dogs do not have the ability to break down the lactose content present in milk.
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5 ways to keep your pets safe from summer heat and strokes
Pet Medicine

5 ways to keep your pets safe from summer heat and strokes

Pets and heat strokes almost go hand in hand. Most pets are susceptible to injuries and illnesses related to summers, which can cause organ failure, brain damage, convulsions and even death. Heat exhaustion is the early stage of heat stroke when the body starts overheating. Symptoms of heat in pets include are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heavy panting and the reddening of the skin inside the ears. Heat stroke is a serious level of heating up when the pet’s natural body mechanism is not able to keep the temperature low. Prevention is always better than cure when the matter is related to your pets and heat. Moreover, pets who have suffered heat stroke once have more possibility of getting it again, so preventive steps need to be taken. As a proactive pet parent, you must protect them from the summer heat, heat exhaustion, and its more deadly infestation, which is heat stroke. Here are some practices which you can follow: Limit walks to the least number of times With soaring temperatures, keep the outings only to the very necessary ones and that too possibly in the mornings or late evenings. Do not let your pet linger on hot surfaces especially on cement or asphalt.
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All about veterinary medical records
Pet Medicine

All about veterinary medical records

Strictly kept by the veterinarian, pet medical records may consist of major elements like information about the owner of the pet, animal identification, reports regarding physical examination of the pet, the pet’s past medical and treatment history, diagnosis, records of surgical and medical events arranged chronologically, billing, etc. There are various laws and regulations that a pet owner has to follow for the same. Let’s have a look at some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) by the pet owners regarding these medical records. How do you get a copy of the pet’s medical records? The pet owner has every right to have a copy of his/her pet medical records. To obtain a copy, one must submit a written request for the medical records to the vet treating the pet. Once the application is submitted, the vet is obliged to present you the summary of the medical records within a reasonable amount of time. Is it possible to obtain the license number of a vet? As per medical laws, every vet is required to show their license number at their places of work. One can also ask for the license number for future purpose, if need be, directly to the vet.
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How to keep your pets engaged during holiday parties
Pet Medicine

How to keep your pets engaged during holiday parties

The holiday season is upon us. Pets and holiday parties can be a scary combination. While you worry about the décor and invitations, you also have to find time to keep your pet actively engaged at the same time. If you fail to do so, your pets might act a little aggressive which may further make your guests and other family members uncomfortable. Keeping him safely away from the party food and décor between the endless errands and festivities is daunting, to say the least. The change in your daily routine and the general ambience of your home can cause anxiety and stress in your pet. But, not all is lost yet. If you plan and make suitable arrangements, managing your pets and holiday parties together can be fun and easy. Here are a few tips that will keep you sorted this season. Food Pets can be a curious bunch, whether it is decorations or food, you need to be careful that they do not ingest anything, which could be toxic. You would want to keep all party décor out of reach of your pets. We often feel guilty while indulging in chocolate candies and fruitcakes while our pets look on.
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Essential tips to keep your pet safe in winters
Pet Medicine

Essential tips to keep your pet safe in winters

Just as humans have to go through different seasons, pets also have to go through the same. They might feel the chills during winter and the heat strokes during summers. Filled with excitement and joy, winter holidays are loved by humans. But your pets may not feel so, especially if your furry companion is an active one who spends most of his time in your backyard. There are quite a few dangers associated with the most frigid of all the seasons, and thus the onset of winter must see you take very good care of your pets and consult a specialist as and when required, without any kind of delay. The seasonal pet hazards need a lot of attention and the most common of the pet hazards in the winter season are enumerated below. Hypothermia You might think that since your pet has a fur body, it would not catch a cold. But they are not less prone to the severe effects of winter. If the body temperature of the pet drops below the normal range of 100 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, it begins to suffer from hypothermia, which if not treated, might lead to failure of the heart, coma and eventually death.
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Signs of kidney failure in cats
Pet Medicine

Signs of kidney failure in cats

Owning and loving a pet is one of the most pleasant feelings and cats as a pet can be adorable. But when it comes to owning a pet, it is a huge responsibility, and you need to equip yourself with the right knowledge to spot any health issues at the outset. One among them is to know the signs of kidney issues in cat. Ensure to consult your vet about the issue at the earliest. Delay in doing so may cost the life of your four-legged friend. The kidneys are responsible for producing essential hormones and enzymes while also supporting the production of red blood cells, regulating blood pressure, and removing wastes from the bloodstream among other life functions. The failure of this crucial organ is indicated early on by signs of kidney issues in cat. Symptoms of acute kidney failure Some of the commonly visible signs of acute kidney failure in a cat include the following: A sudden decrease in your cat’s intake of food Tendency to drink more than usual amounts of water. A sharp drop in energy levels, wherein the cat will be less active than before and will sleep a lot more. Bad odor – Do smell your cat’s breath since bad odor is one of the potential signs of kidney issues in the cat.
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Best medicines to get rid of pet parasites
Pet Medicine

Best medicines to get rid of pet parasites

Domesticated animals are commonly targeted by pet parasites. Your pets can acquire them from fellow animals or while roaming in the backyard. As it’s illegitimate to stop your dog from going outdoors or having a nature walk in the park, there are several efficient ways to deal with parasites. So, to prevent the pet parasites to affect your furry friends, ensure that you take some precautionary measures for the same. If the pet parasites worsens the health of your dog then you should consult the vet the earliest. But before that you could take the help of some of the most effective medicines for parasites in pets that are listed below: Carrots A great natural remedy for treating pet parasites on your dog is carrots. Chopped carrots added to the dog’s food are an effectual de-wormer. Grated carrots, on the other hand, mixed with dog food, are ideal for giving a boost to the immune system as well as for fighting infections. Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is an effective remedy for reducing worms in your pet. There are two separate labels for the remedy – Food Grade DE and Pool Grade DE. Use Food Grade DE, as Pool Grade DE is potentially toxic to your pet.
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Different signs to detect tooth infection in your dog
Pet Medicine

Different signs to detect tooth infection in your dog

Identifying signs of a tooth infection in the dog at your home can be tricky, and it’s important to keep its dental health up to the mark. Unlike humans, dogs don’t have their teeth brushed very frequently, but it is important to ensure their teeth and gums are healthy. Bacteria in the teeth accumulate over time and cause diseases that can spread to key organs like the heart, lungs, or kidneys. There are many telltale signs of the tooth infection in a dog that can be prevented and treated timely, if you know what to look for. Common signs of dental infection in dogs Bad Odor Bad breath is one of the most common symptoms of diseases like gingivitis or other forms of tooth infection. If you notice bad breath in your dog’s mouth (a highly acrid or sour odor), it is likely there is some form of infection forming inside. You can also consult a vet for further treatment. Difficulty while chewing The dog chewing food on one side or dropping food while chewing are classic symptoms of dental problems. Also the dog may pull out when you touch its head or snout. Swollen and painful jaws You should also make it a point to check your dog’s gums now and then.
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Essential facts about neutering or spaying a dog
Pet Medicine

Essential facts about neutering or spaying a dog

To spay or not to, or to neuter or not to is probably the choice that every dog owner has to face at some point of time. With the number of homeless or abandoned dogs being rapidly increasing, it would be a logical decision. But if you are concerned that the safety and functionality of your pet might be compromised, have a look at these facts related to spay or neutering pets that could help alleviate your concern. Spay or neutering pets can be done at an early stage, but you can consult your vet to determine the best age so that it doesn’t hamper your pet’s health. Spaying or neutering can prevent future health issues Spaying or neutering can ensure a longer and healthier life for your dogs as it significantly reduces the risks of several health issues. While in male dogs, neutering eliminates the chances of testicular cancer as well as lowers the risk of prostate cancer, in female dogs, spaying reduces the chances of uterine diseases and cancers while decreasing mammalian cancer. Spaying or neutering is not extremely costly For those who choose not to spay or neuter their dogs, assuming the cost of the surgical procedure might be quite high, good news for them – spay or neutering pets is not at all that expensive today.
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Pet vomiting causes and treatments
Pet Medicine

Pet vomiting causes and treatments

If you have a pet that has been vomiting, then there is nothing to panic. The chances are that your pet might have eaten something or might have gobbled up the food too fast. But pets vomiting should not be ignored either and should be addressed as it might be a sign of some serious health problems. Being a pet owner, it becomes important for you to know what your pet’s vomit is trying to tell you. Possible reasons for pets puking: There are ample reasons for pets puking, common among them is a gastrointestinal obstruction, toxic ingestion, food allergies or intolerance, and dietary indiscretion. Vomiting is by far, considered as the most common sign of illness among pets. If you see the following signs in your pet, make sure you consult a vet in time. Some other common reasons for pet puking are: Liver and kidney disease Viral infections Pancreatitis Drug side effects Gallbladder inflammation Heatstroke Exposure to toxins Bowel disease What your pet’s vomit is trying to tell you Pets vomit for a number of reasons. Some of the reasons are nothing to worry about, while some reasons are very serious. Knowing what your pet’s vomit is trying to tell you is a must.
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