Signs of kidney failure in cats

Signs of kidney failure in cats

Owning and loving a pet is one of the most pleasant feelings and cats as a pet can be adorable. But when it comes to owning a pet, it is a huge responsibility, and you need to equip yourself with the right knowledge to spot any health issues at the outset. One among them is to know the signs of kidney issues in cat. Ensure to consult your vet about the issue at the earliest. Delay in doing so may cost the life of your four-legged friend.

The kidneys are responsible for producing essential hormones and enzymes while also supporting the production of red blood cells, regulating blood pressure, and removing wastes from the bloodstream among other life functions. The failure of this crucial organ is indicated early on by signs of kidney issues in cat.

Symptoms of acute kidney failure

Some of the commonly visible signs of acute kidney failure in a cat include the following:

  • A sudden decrease in your cat’s intake of food
  • Tendency to drink more than usual amounts of water.
  • A sharp drop in energy levels, wherein the cat will be less active than before and will sleep a lot more.
  • Bad odor – Do smell your cat’s breath since bad odor is one of the potential signs of kidney issues in the cat.
  • Black stools – Keep checking your cat’s litter box from time to time. If you notice black stools, then have your cat diagnosed by a veterinarian as soon as possible.
  • Blood while coughing or vomiting
  • Change in the frequency or type of urination – While some cats may urinate much more frequently, others may not be able to urinate at all. When your vet checks your cat for swollen kidneys, he or she may recommend emergency treatment.
  • On the brighter side, acute kidney failure in cats is not necessarily life-threatening, if detected and treated early on.

Signs of chronic kidney failure

The cause of chronic kidney failure is not known as of yet. It can occur as a result of other health issues. If your cat has a dental disease, then this might be a symptom of chronic kidney failure in cats. Your cat may also have kidney infections and inflammation, which are warning signs of kidney issues in the cat.

A cat suffering from chronic kidney failure may suffer from hypertension, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, high blood pressure and urinary tract infection. If your cat shows even one of these symptoms, take it to the vet without any delay. However, the life expectancy of a cat suffering from chronic kidney failure may be limited from months to a few years. So, to be on the safer side, always be on the lookout for any abnormality and take your cat to the veterinary doctor as and when you notice any serious health issue.

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