Essential facts about neutering or spaying a dog

Essential facts about neutering or spaying a dog

To spay or not to, or to neuter or not to is probably the choice that every dog owner has to face at some point of time. With the number of homeless or abandoned dogs being rapidly increasing, it would be a logical decision. But if you are concerned that the safety and functionality of your pet might be compromised, have a look at these facts related to spay or neutering pets that could help alleviate your concern. Spay or neutering pets can be done at an early stage, but you can consult your vet to determine the best age so that it doesn’t hamper your pet’s health.

Spaying or neutering can prevent future health issues

Spaying or neutering can ensure a longer and healthier life for your dogs as it significantly reduces the risks of several health issues. While in male dogs, neutering eliminates the chances of testicular cancer as well as lowers the risk of prostate cancer, in female dogs, spaying reduces the chances of uterine diseases and cancers while decreasing mammalian cancer.

Spaying or neutering is not extremely costly

For those who choose not to spay or neuter their dogs, assuming the cost of the surgical procedure might be quite high, good news for them – spay or neutering pets is not at all that expensive today. With many counties and states coming up with low-cost neutering or spaying programs, such surgeries have become easily accessible as well as affordable to everyone.

Spaying your dog before first heat is good

Medically, spaying your dog before her first heat is always better as it considerably reduces the risk of developing mammary tumors. Often people wish to wait for their dogs to have to have the first spay, but this only increases the risk of mammary tumors in their pets.

Spaying has nothing to do with a dog’s behavior

Spay or neutering pets has nothing to do with changes in their behaviors. If a dog is meant to guard your house, he or she will do so even after they become spayed or neutered. There’s no connection between a dog’s ability to protect you versus spaying or neutering. A dog’s behavior grows through instinct as well as functions of genetics, which can only be directed in a disciplined manner through proper training.

Spaying or neutering doesn’t make your dog fat

Many people have this misconception that spaying or neutering makes the dogs put on weight. However, this belief is entirely false, as it is not the surgical removal of the reproductive organs or castration that makes the dogs obese, but merely the lack of exercise or overfeeding.

Remember, spay or neutering pets do no damage to the health and abilities of your dogs when performed by expert professionals. Taking the decision of neutering or spaying your dogs can turn into an act of long-term welfare for your beloved dogs.

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