A few tips on what to leave for your dog while you’re away

A few tips on what to leave for your dog while you’re away

One of the hardest things to do, if you have a dog, is to leave it home alone. You won’t like it, but you can’t help it either. You have to go to work, get the groceries, go to the gym, and what not! When you get back home, and your dog bursts out in happiness on seeing you, you will probably feel guilty for leaving it alone! Read on to make these home alone episodes easier, both for your dog and you.

A few tips to follow

Dogs treat their owners as the leader of their pack, and hence, they always want to please their human friend. If you ever leave your dog alone, it’s going to stare at the door and sit and wait until you open up the door and surprise it! Now while your dog jumps around, licks you and wags its tail in appreciation, you may think about the times when you have to go out alone. If you’re wondering how, then here are a few tips on what to leave for your dog while you’re away:

  • One of the main things on the list of what to leave for your dog while you’re away is to give the dog something challenging to do. The activity will engage your pet in trying to decode the puzzle you’ve given it. It will try its best to please you when you’re back home.
  • Teach your dog how to lie in bed. Dogs love beds, and if they are accustomed to the soft pleasure of the bed, they will resort to it when you’re not there.
  • If you come back and see your dog has been extremely obedient and has not done any damage to the house, don’t forget to praise it. Show that you care and take your dog out for a walk because they’ve been good and behaved well. Reward your pet!
  • You can leave your dog for six hours at the most per day. You can add a chew toy in your list of what to leave for your dog while you’re away checklist. Show it how to pop the toy back up. This will surely make your dog go mad with excitement when it plays with it.
  • Make sure that your dog does not suffer from separation anxiety. Teach your dog scenarios where you could be gone, and it has to be home alone. Once it catches up on the tricks, it will not get anxious, if you ever leave the house.

House training is a huge part of a dog’s well-being. If adequately trained right from the very beginning, your pet will always impress you. Understand your dog’s needs and decide on what to leave for your dog while you’re away, and your pet will enjoy its home alone time as well.

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