How to introduce a new pet to your household
To welcome a new canine or a feline companion to the household is certainly one of the most exciting events in life. However, poor or no preparation for this event can make the entire experience stressful and unpleasant for both the pet parent and the new pet. Ensure that you give special attention to the pets that you already own. Therefore, before adding a second pet to your household or even introducing your very first pet to your household, you should make some preparations. Following are some tips that can help you make this transition pleasant and smooth.
Consider the behavior of the pet you already own
If you already own a pet and you are keen to get home another one, it is imperative that you consider your pet’s behavior and its readiness for a new playmate. Before adding a second pet to your household, make sure you address underlying behavioral issues of your existing pet. If your pet misbehaves and has some other unpleasant qualities, it is but obvious that the new one would pick the same awful habits. So take your time to make your household ready for a new pet.
Avoid new food and treats
Adding a second pet to your household can be as stressful for the animal as it can be for you. The transition often leads to a gastrointestinal upset in dogs and cats, eventually resulting in a decreased or a complete lack of appetite. Under such circumstances, offering new food and treats to your new pet can worsen the situation. Therefore, you should initially offer them what they had been already eating. As dogs and cats get accustomed to the new routine and household, you can then start offering them new food and treats.
Give them time
Just as we humans take time to adapt to new situations or occasions, animals also require their own time to adjust to a new environment. Therefore, before adding a second pet to your household, be prepared that your new pet can take time to adjust to the new friend. There can be times when the new dog simply refuses to get out of its bed or the little cat can continue hiding under the bed or any other safe location. You can help the new member explore the entire house by taking him/her in leash to different parts of your home.
Pay individual attention to each of the pets
Once you have decided on getting home the second pet in addition to the existing cat or dog you have, be ready to pay individual attention to both the pets. Moreover, you should do your best to treat your old pets with more care and love. Else there are high chances that they start feeling ignored or jealous of their new companions. Make sure you take them outdoors together, this will help to create a healthy bond between the two.
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